KBA Programme

The concept of Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) is an approach of prioritisation used to determine vulnerable and irreplaceable natural areas. In order to achieve that, a series of ecological indicators are used, starting with endangered species or species with limited geographical distribution. KBAs are selected on the basis of tangible criteria related to standards based on the distribution and population of species and habitats that require conservation of the areas, and thresholds applicable on a global scale. On the other hand, there are a series of quantitative threshold values used to determine KBAs.

An international team that included experts from Doğa presented the first design for KBA criteria in 2004, based on the “Important Bird Area” studies by BirdLife International. Later, in 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) developed the method of KBA further and recognised it as an international standard to determine the areas of top priority.

According to the new standards determined by IUCN in 2016, there are five major KBA citeria and a series of sub-citeria:

A. Threatened Biodiversity
A1. Threatened species
A2. Threatened ecosystem types
B. Geographically restricted biodiversity
B1. Individual geographically restricted species
B2. Co-occurring geographically restricted species
B3. Geographically restricted assemblages
B4. Geographically restricted ecosystem types
C. Ecological integrity
D. Biological processes
D1. Demographic aggregations
D2. Ecological refugia
D3. Recruitment sources
E. Irreplaceability through quantitative analysis

As one of the World’s first KBA inventories on a national scale, “Key Biodiversity Areas of Turkey” book was completed in 2006 with Doğa’s coordination and the contributions of many organizations and scientists. In this work concerning eight different groups of living creatures, the data regarding plants, dragonflies, butterflies, inland water fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals were synthesised to identify 305 KBAs. Important Bird Areas, Important Plant Areas, the sea turtle and the Mediterranean monk seal areas, identified previously by other experts and organizations, provided important bases for this work of Doğa.

The KBA Updating Programme, started in 2018 by Doğa, was prepared with the purpose of researching the vulnerable and irreplaceable natural areas in Turkey thoroughly while acting in unison with all partners across the world. Aims of 2018 KBA Updating Programme:

  • Creating a network with all partners to update, monitor and conserve KBAs.
  • Review and update the KBA inventory and borders of Turkey according to the 2016 criteria of IUCN.
  • Including the current biodiversity data obtained since 2006 in the KBA inventory.
Key Biodiversity Areas of Turkey Book
Marmara Region
Aegean Region
Mediterranean Region
The Central Anatolia Region
Central and Western Black Sea Region
Eastern Black Sea Region
Eastern Anatolia Region
Southeastern Anatolia Region

Key Biodiversity Areas of Turkey Brochure

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