Second Major Success of Doğa, BirdLife Turkey, to save the Gediz Delta: The decision on downgrading of protection status of Gediz Delta is cancelled

Doga, BirdLife Partner in Turkey, announced a historical decision for the future of Gediz Delta. The Administrative Court of Izmir Province cancelled the decision on downgrading of protection status of Gediz Delta.  Gediz Delta, home to nearly ten percent of the world population, and 30 percent of the European population of Greater Flamingos and many […]


We Invite You To Join Sarımazı Raptor Count

Turkey is home to one of the largest breeding populations of Egyptian Vultures in the world! An estimated 2000 pairs are living in Turkey – that’s around 25% of the global Egyptian vulture population. But also the Egyptian Vulture isa globally endangered scavenger that is dispersed across Southern Europe, Africa, and Asia. Birds from South […]


Final Decision for the Gediz Delta: Major Highway Construction Permanently Halted

2019 started with good news from Gediz Delta, home to ten percent of the world population, and 30 percent of the European population of Greater Flamingos. Doga (BirdLife partner in Turkey) announced that the Administrative Court of Izmir permanently halted the major highway construction. The execution of the project was halted as a precautionary measure […]


19th Turkey Bird Conference

The 19th Turkey Bird Conference will take place at 17-22 May 2019, in Mersin, Camliyayla. The conference will be organized by Doga, BirdLife Turkey, and Camliyayla Municipality and Kizilkaya Society, the 2019 hosts of this annual event. Bird conferences are organised by Doga and its allies for more than a decade in different parts of Turkey. The […]


Indigenous Production Landscapes Applied Course

Applied Course 21-25 April 2020 İzmir,Turkey The School of Nature Over generations, indigenous communities have made countless innovations to cultivate their surrounding environment for their livelihoods and developed great variety of Indigenous Production Landscapes. This new interaction with the earth did not only supply food and other fundamentals of pastoral living, but also nurtured traditions […]


Gediz Delta Saved From Major Highway Construction

Major Conservation Victory in Turkey: The Gediz Delta, home of ten percent of world’s greater flamingos is saved from major highway construction Doga, BirdLife Partner in Turkey, announced a major conservation victory to save the Gediz Delta Ramsar Site. The Administrative Court of Izmir Province, Turkey, unanimously halted the project of a major highway construction […]


Marine Programme Officer

Doga, BirdLife Turkey, Job Description Marine Programme Officer  Location: Izmir, Turkey Duties and responsibilities: Coordinate the development of the marine component of Doga’s conservation work. Coordinate and report outputs of a multi-taxa observer programme to understand bycatch of vulnerable bird, sea turtle, sea mammal and turtle species in Turkey. Monitor and synthesise studies on conservation […]


Key Biodiversity Areas Monitoring Officer

Doga, BirdLife Turkey, Job Description Key Biodiversity Areas Monitoring Officer Location: Izmir, Turkey Duties and responsibilities: Contribute to development of the new Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) directory of Turkey. Monitor and synthesise studies on conservation status and threat categories of KBA trigger species, and, to this end, form partnerships with academicians, national/international CSOs and nature […]


Important Bird Areas Monitoring Officer

Doga, BirdLife Turkey, Job Description Important Bird Areas Monitoring Officer Location: Izmir, Turkey  Duties and responsibilities: Form alliances and partnerships with relevant stakeholders for effective monitoring of Important Bird Areas (IBAs). Monitor and synthesise studies on conservation status and threat categories of IBA trigger species in Turkey, and, to this end, form partnerships with academicians, […]


Red alert for the Yelkouan Sheareaters of Istanbul!

For the last five days, tens of thousands of Yelkouan Shearwaters are foraging and feeding in the center of Istanbul. Although, ca. 75,000-90,000 individuals have been recorded in Bosporus in early February, this number of foraging birds has not been encountered during this season. This is the good news, but unfortunately, this congregation brought also […]

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