Wetlands, covering just 6 per cent of the Earth’s surface, host a remarkable variety of habitats, ranging from peatlands to deltas, rivers, lakes, and lagoons. These vital ecosystems support 40 per cent of global biodiversity, act as carbon sinks, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and sustain biological diversity. Yet, due to outdated agricultural and water policies, wetland ecosystems are being lost at an alarming rate. Protecting our wetlands and water cycles is no longer optional, it is imperative. Urgent changes to agricultural policies and the implementation of nature-compatible practices are needed to safeguard these critical habitats.
Over the past 50 years, more than 35 per cent of the world’s wetlands have disappeared. The Mediterranean region alone has lost over 50 per cent of its natural wetlands since 1970. Wetlands are vanishing three times faster than forests. Among vertebrates, the most dramatic decline in populations has occurred in freshwater species, which have seen an 83 per cent reduction in the same period. The slender-billed curlew, a species that bred in Siberia and wintered in the Mediterranean region, has become globally extinct due to wetland loss. In Anatolia, the promotion of irrigated agriculture has led to the drying up of wetlands such as Lake Tuz, Van, and Seyfe. Misguided water management and planning have entirely dried up Lake Marmara, once a critical wintering site for 9 per cent of the world’s Dalmatian pelicans.
The Bird Conference will bring together birdwatchers, scientists, conservationists, and nature enthusiasts to discuss the wetlands we have lost, strategies for protecting existing wetlands, and approaches to restoring degraded ecosystems. It will serve as a platform to share knowledge, experiences, and insights on research, conservation, and advocacy efforts.
On the first day of the conference, experts and participants will deliver presentations and discuss key issues. The second day will feature a field trip to the Gediz Delta Key Biodiversity Area, one of the Mediterranean Basin’s most significant wetlands.
Location: Izmir
Further details about the programme, transportation, and venue will be shared in the coming days. If you have any questions regarding registration, please email kuskonferansi@dogadernegi.org.
You can click on the link to apply.
The conference is organised in partnership with Izmir Institute of Technology and is supported by the Donors’ Initiative for Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems (DIMFE).
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