Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture
To save an endangered species, the Egyptian Vulture, institutions and organisations from 14 countries spanning the Balkans, Middle East and Africa have joined forces proving that political borders do not exist in these efforts. All of them have united under the project “Urgent Actions to Strengthen the Balkan Population of the Egyptian Vulture and Secure […]
Major demonstration to save the Gediz Delta in Turkey
Gediz Delta in western Turkey, one of the prime wetlands for Greater Flamingos in the world, is under major threat due to a proposed mega bridge project. Doga, BirdLife Turkey, states that the bridge will irreplaceably destroy key feeding grounds of flamingos and many other waterbird species. Doga and other civil society organizations in Turkey […]
One of prime wetlands for Greater Flamingos in the world is under major threat
Gediz Delta in western Turkey, one of the prime wetlands for Greater Flamingos in the world, is under major threat due to a proposed mega bridge project. Doga, BirdLife Turkey, states that the bridge’s northern end will irreplaceably destroy key feeding grounds of flamingos and many other waterbird species. Doga and other civil society organisations […]
Major victory for conservation of indigenous olive pastures of Anatolia
The Parliament of Turkey withdrew yesterday a draft law proposed by the Government of Turkey, which aimed boosting development in indigenous olive pastures of Turkey. Doga, BirdLife Turkey, was one of several organizations and groups that strongly opposed this major legislation change. Currently, all olive orchards and pastures are strictly protected by law and provide […]
We Seek for Teammates
Doğa is seeking to recruit Projects Administrator Duties and responsibilities: Ensure that activities of Doğa’s projects are carried out according to calendar defined in project plans Ensure harmonization between workplans of protect teams and secure that project activities are carried out as scheduled Ensure that interim and final reports are accomplished on time as defined […]
18th Turkey Bird Conference
The 18th Turkey Bird Conference will take place at 21-23 April 2017, in Bursa, Karacabey. The conference will be organized by Doga, BirdLife Turkey, and Karacabey Municipality, hosting this annual event this year. Bird conferences have been organised by Doga and its allies for the last two decades in different parts of Anatolia. The Turkey Bird Conference […]
World’s Top Birdwatchers Will Race to Tackle Illegal Killing of Migratory Birds in Turkey
This year, birdwatchers all around the world will raise funds for Doğa to fight illegal killing of migratory birds in flyways. Every year approximately 6.5 million soaring birds migrate between Europe, Asia and Africa using 2 major flyways crossing Anatolia. 2 million storks and raptors fly over İstanbul while 1.2 million raptors passes from Batumi […]
Turkey Bulgaria alliance for Egyptian Vultures and Imperial Eagles in Turkey
Doğa (BirdLife Turkey) and BSPB (BirdLife Bulgaria) alliance implemented a project, Alliance for Egyptian Vultures and Eastern Imperial Eagle of Turkey, supported under the Civil Dialogue Programme of EU. The project aimed at understanding and improving the conservation status of Imperial Eagle and Egyptian Vulture populations and habitats in Turkey. 17 different areas are visited […]
Running for the Imperial Eagle, from Asia to Europe
Doğa and Adim Adim volunteers will fundraise for the conservation of globally threatened Imperial Eagle, by running at the Eurasian Marathon, Istanbul, on November 13. The project will be implemented with the support of local farmers and shepherds who share the same habitat with eagles and the funds will be used to build artificial nests, […]
Alakır Valley Key Biodiversity Area in Turkey saved from hydropower development
The high court of Turkey stopped all hydropower projects in Alakır Valley, at the heart of the Bey Mountains Important Bird Area and Key Biodiversity Area in Antalya. The court concluded that the area shall be declared as a protected area for its outstanding value for freshwater and terrestrial biodiversity. Doğa, BirdLife Turkey, has been […]