Another New Tour for the Love of Nature!
Our world has completed another of its tours around the sun. This year has been different from the previous ones. A new era has begun in the world where subjects such as nature, climate, biodiversity and life are on everyone’s agenda. We are now louder and stronger in nature’s struggle for its rights. Nature’s sources […]
We are meeting in the Gediz Delta, a UNESCO World Natural Heritage candidate, for the 20th Turkey Bird Conference.
The conference, which will be held in collaboration with Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, will be during spring bird migration season. On the first day, we will hold sessions on wetlands, bird conservation and research, important bird areas (IBAs), migration routes, and raptors. On the second day, we will be able to closely observe the importance of […]
Ask Nature
Nature has rights inscribed upon leaves, riversides, cloud tracks; rights the violation of which will lead to the destruction of life.* Recently, we witness plenty of destructions. Draughts, floods, wildfires, and many more. The Pandemic, the last example of these destructions, showed us that injustice to the nature exposed is the reason of all injustice. […]
Doga’s New Volunteer System Launched
We know the importance of volunteering and synergy in nature conservation, and where possible, we reach our volunteers in order to exchange this experience and know-how. Volunteers can take part in awareness-raising activities such as Euro Birdwatch and Big Jump as well as technical fieldworks like Sarımazı Raptor Count and Yelkouan Shearwater Count. However, since […]
Turkey’s first nature conservation library opened in Izmir
Turkey’s first nature conservation library opened in Izmir The opening of Doga’s Nature Library, founded for the researchers working on nature conservation and nature culture, was held on Saturday, March 14th with the participation of hundreds of researchers and nature lovers. As the first library in Turkey that focuses on nature conservation, it will provide […]
Second Major Success of Doğa, BirdLife Turkey, to save the Gediz Delta: The decision on downgrading of protection status of Gediz Delta is cancelled
Doga, BirdLife Partner in Turkey, announced a historical decision for the future of Gediz Delta. The Administrative Court of Izmir Province cancelled the decision on downgrading of protection status of Gediz Delta. Gediz Delta, home to nearly ten percent of the world population, and 30 percent of the European population of Greater Flamingos and many […]
We Invite You To Join Sarımazı Raptor Count
Turkey is home to one of the largest breeding populations of Egyptian Vultures in the world! An estimated 2000 pairs are living in Turkey – that’s around 25% of the global Egyptian vulture population. But also the Egyptian Vulture isa globally endangered scavenger that is dispersed across Southern Europe, Africa, and Asia. Birds from South […]
Final Decision for the Gediz Delta: Major Highway Construction Permanently Halted
2019 started with good news from Gediz Delta, home to ten percent of the world population, and 30 percent of the European population of Greater Flamingos. Doga (BirdLife partner in Turkey) announced that the Administrative Court of Izmir permanently halted the major highway construction. The execution of the project was halted as a precautionary measure […]
19th Turkey Bird Conference
The 19th Turkey Bird Conference will take place at 17-22 May 2019, in Mersin, Camliyayla. The conference will be organized by Doga, BirdLife Turkey, and Camliyayla Municipality and Kizilkaya Society, the 2019 hosts of this annual event. Bird conferences are organised by Doga and its allies for more than a decade in different parts of Turkey. The […]
Doğa is 15 years old!
Doğa, the BirdLife Partner in Turkey, is celebrating the fifteenth year of its foundation. Doğa was founded by a handful of people who believe in the unity and diversity of life. Since the day it was founded, Doğa has been leading or involved in numerous actions to conserve the nature of Turkey. The new logo, […]